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Tom Ford was possibly shit........we may never know....

I hate to start a rumor - which is a lie, I love it - but there have been not one but three bad reviews of the work of Tom Ford. Now, I don't exactly like everything Ford does but some of the reviews were.....horrific to say the least.
Everyone totally got on board with the secret viewing for important people thing last year, but the second time around I think people are starting to get pissed off. The weird thing is, you would think it would be the people NOT invited who would start to get bitchy, but this is coming from the people at his shows - actually attending them!
So this post asks the question, is Ford loosing his touch or are people sick of the hype and the price?
Anyway this is what French fashion critic Virginia Mouzat had to say about it :

After this inventory for Kim Kardashian, Tom Ford appeared on the runway. He walked out. And stayed there, in the middle of the catwalk, wordlessly awaiting his standing ovation. Perhaps people would oblige out of anguish, or sympathy, or because all of this is supposed to be fun, after all. But everyone just looked at their feet. The music kept playing. Ford tried to speak over the noise, but it was impossible to hear. One could see this baby-faced man was seeking desperately to clear the air. He threw himself on his longtime companion, Richard Buckley, and they embraced. (Ralph Lauren always embraces his wife Ricky after his shows, but he goes backstage right after.) But still nobody stood. Then Tom Ford retreated towards Anna Wintour, on whom he inflicted a hug. So this Texas playboy, whose praises reporters sang in the Gucci years, has become the man for whom nobody stands. If not the man one actively flees. But of this whole vignette, as of the actual collection, you’ll see nothing here. Tom Ford refuses to publish photographs of his shows."

Wow.....This followed another dig by Lynn Yaegar......

Speaking of which: Q. What eminent designer puts what seems like 150 looks on the runway — bottom-grabbing pencil skirts; tiny purple Floradora dresses — and forbids photography (apparently to lend an air of exclusivity, but in this case, maybe to protect his reputation) and emerges on the runway at the end of the show, then stands around with a bunny-in-the-headlights look in his eyes, waiting for a standing ovation that never comes?
A. Tom Ford.

- The standing ovation thing must be true if two seperate people mentioned it in one go....hmm...either way, MORTIFIED! And more....

Jess Cartner-Morley, The Guardian: I’m going to come straight out with it. Deep breath: I didn’t think Tom Ford’s show was all that. Not that it was awful, by any means, but despite the beautiful tailoring and the immaculate execution it fell a little flat. It felt too self-referential. Too many frills and too few new ideas. There were gorgeous, curvy, super vamp dresses that I loved, but the flouncy peasant blouses and corset belts seemed like a Guilty Pleasures version of Tom Ford.

- Lord knows what will happen now. Ford is not the type to suffer this sort of abuse!!!

Unless the collection really was that shit....

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