By day, it may appear I am run of the mill kind of gal. You'll find me behind a desk, with my sharp suit on, filofax in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other. Nothing to out there, pretty standard stuff. Well, looks can be deceiving, as by night I like to get a little bit naughty... careful now...
In search of a night of debauchery and frivolity, me and Caroline headed down to the Wam Bam Club for a spot of good old Hedonism.
Burlesque, drag queens, acrobats, its all here at the Wam Bam Club. Hosted by the insatiable Lady Alex; part comedienne (yes she is a woman, made to look like a drag queen), part nipple tasselling ring master, she only paved the way to an array of interesting characters to say the least.
If your a tad prudish, then this may not be the place for you, but if you are fully open, then you can expect plenty of bare, firm butts to goggle at.
Jo Foley is an aerial hoop contortionist who was incredible. She spun around an around and around- she made me sick just watching let alone twisting my body into mind bending shapes.
Not to let the side down for the men, this guy was pretty impressive too. Is it only me who is dreaming of those big, strong arms...
Little old me on the other hand, my only talent was drinking wine- well to some it is a talent to drink a fair amount, so I guess I don't quite feel so bad now.
Over the years I earned the nickname Asbestos- yes I know, sexy eh- but its because I seem to be heat resistant. I can pick up scolding hot things and not seem to really feel the true heat. However even I think I'd struggle to eat fire, and eat fire looking that sexy.
After a long week at work, this kind of pure escapism is what I crave. I would recommend getting there early as because of typical London traffic we ended up late, and so had a side on view because it is first come first serve in terms of getting a good viewing spot.
Now after that, you'd think I'd be off home to practice my fire eating wouldn't you? Well oh no, the night was still young... to be continued my lovelies...

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