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February Book Signings

 I have quite a busy and exciting month ahead of me. Tomorrow I head to Florida for a book signing and presentation, and then I fly straight to Stockholm to do it all over again. If you happen to be in near Lauderhill, FL, Stockholm, or London during my February visits I would love to meet you there. The Advanced Style book is now on it's 5th printing since May, thanks to all of you!!! I have included my February schedule below, just in case...
February 6
Presentation and Book Signing at Forest Trace
Location 5500 NW 69th Avenue Lauderhill, Flroida 33319
FREE and open to the public
RSVP required: 954-572-2100 ext.23
1:30 presentation
2:00 pm book signing

February 12
Book Signing at Nordiska Kompaniet

February 22
Location: The Royal Academy of Arts
Portarying Life: An Evening Lecture with Ari Seth Cohen, Fanny Karst, Daphne Selfe, and Nigel Hartley on how ageing can shift our presentation of self.
6:30-7:30 pm

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