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Cartoon Breakdown for the Intellectually Challenged

This is for the Fox Network crowd. Stay tuned for a very special QVC bonus sale after this important message...

Yes, you.

You are the cavemen, the bushbots, and the Proud Amerkun Heroes that put the Dumb in Freedom. You are enthusiastic about what you believe in which is: God, John Wayne, and free market capitalism (not necessarily in that order). You believe in God, but you don't go to church and you can easily discount most of Christ's actual teachings as "liberal bullshit".

You get most of your information from the mainstream media that you claim to hate. You watch a lot of television- mainly Fox news followed by Fox's stream of semi-porn crap shows. You work hard for your dollar, Although you believe that you are the only one that does. "not like them damn mex-ee-cans or them welfare people that have it made,driving in new cad-ee-lacks to pickup their gubmint checks". You bitch about the price of gas in the same breath that you praise Bush's "Economee".

You whine that no one understands that we need to Kill a LOT of people, I mean - A LOT- of them if we are ever to protect ourselves. I mean almost every-damn-body. "That's how ya end terrarism, bud." You have never been in the military, but if you were, look out, cuz you would kick some ass, I'm a-telling ya, boy.

You think that Free market capitalism is where it's at and don't let none of those pinko commies tell you anything different. Even though free market capitalism has killed American manufacturing and given us a Chinese supplied Wal-Mart in every city in America. You hate Unions although they were the only thing that made the 50's such a "golden era" in American industry. You have two or three elderly relatives who are living off the most succesful American program out there- a prime example of Socialism at work, that is, if you haven't shipped them off to a semi-state owned nursing home yet.

So there you are, a little confused about which guys are good and which ones are bad. "Who's wearing the black hats, Mee-Maw?" Mee-maw, god bless her, don't have the time, energy, or the inclination to explain it to you. So she pops another heart med and ignores you. Which is why I am here to splain it to you for the eventual benefit of her, and Every other American out there who is actually paying attention.

I know you probably got all perplexinated by the words. So just go back up to the top, take a long hard look at yourself, then come back down heah and look at the cartoon illustrations of our country's leadership. Feel free to print and cut them out and glue them to your fridge or something for future reference.


(What I wouldn't give for a REAL AMERICAN HERO)


And, it really IS that simple, (and you know you want it simple). The guys running our country (into the ground) are the guys with the black hats. They are the only ones who are capable of harming the American people right now: by not protecting our borders, by not helping bolstering the U.S.Dollar and economy, and by forcing America to continue sucking on the Oil teat.

But, I'm here to tell you, there IS an Alternative. And that is new blood. Support Americans who are trying to pull these clowns off of their ivory towers and do something GOOD for our country. Support Reid, Edwards, Clark, Joe Wilson, Al Gore. They are fighting for YOUR freedoms and your country. Bush, Cheney, Robertson, Lieberman are just fighting for the spoils.

ExtraSpecial QVC BONUS: The Captain Caveman Yell!

UPDATE: More about those Cracker-Crazee Bushbots! Nugent does Perry's Inaugural ball

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