After a couple days of rest, the librarian informed them that another shard had been located. He and Mungo directed them toward a swamp three days' hike from town. Near the end of the first day's travel they came to a small abandoned-looking structure next to a crossroads. They heard a cackling laugh which the ranger identified as a hyena. She then proceeded to rattle off the complete lore entries from the Monster Manual on both hyenas and gnolls thanks to some ridiculous Nature checks. After she noted that "gnolls often decorate their armor and encampments with the bones of their victims", the paladin noted some crude decorations made of bones near the structure.
2 gnoll claw fighters (level 6 skirmisher, 500 xp)
2 gnoll marauders (level 6 brute, 500 xp)
2 hyenas (level 2 skirmisher, 250 xp)
Map: The Crossroads from the D&D Miniatures Starter Set
Having spotted the signs that the gnolls were about, the girls tried to go around one of the big boulder piles to get the drop on the structure. However, the gnolls had already had the same idea and the paladin wound up startling one of the claw fighters who was lying in wait behind the rocks. The gnolls won initiative - as the claw fighter swung at the paladin and moved away, one of the marauders came out from behind the other rocks and the rest of the monsters came out of the structure. Somehow they managed to cluster themselves perfectly to all eat a fireball from the wizard.

I kept trying to single someone out for the gnolls' pack tactics, but the girls stayed tightly clustered near the rocks and kept shifting around whenever anyone (except the paladin) got too many enemies on them. The paladin I just couldn't hit reliably due to her AC. Still, since this was a level+2 fight for four 5th-level characters it was pretty tough.
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